Do I have to register my hands when I become a black belt? +
No, that is an urban myth. Martial Artists are not required to register their hands.
Do I have to be in good shape before I start? +
No, you will get into shape as you train. We have a series of exercises that you will learn as you progress through the ranking system which will enable you to perform the self defense techniques.
I am 31 years old, am I too old to start martial arts? +
No, you are not too old to begin martial arts training. Taekwondo and Krav Maga regularly has students start from adolecense through their 50's and older. Taekwondo and Krav Maga is a practical and effective martial art that does not incorporate gymnastics.
What is the difference between Tae Kwon Do and Krav Maga? +
Tae Kwon Do is a Korean Martial Art that focuses primarily on kicking techniques. We teach Olympic style fighting. Krav Maga is a practical self defense system which trains the student for modern day self defense encounters. Krav Maga students are taught to use their hands and feet with multiple strikes to multiple targets on each attacker, in a multiple attack situation.
I am very busy with my work schedule, how much time do I need to devote to Taekwondo classes? +
The two 1 hour classes are week are recommended, as is practicing at home. As you progress through the ranks if you want more 1:1 attention, we offer 30 minute private lessons which can further help hone your skills.
How long does it take to get a black belt? +
This is almost impossible to answer as it depends on how often the student trains, how hard they train and how quickly they learn. Students who are more dedicated and train hard will obviously achieve their black belt before other less devoted students but to put a time span on it is difficult. I would say that even the most dedicated of students should train at least three years before being allowed to Dan Grade.
Q: I want more time and would like to purchase the 60-Minute Paid Private Lessons. How do I do this? +
You can do this through the website! You can purchase 1 single session or a block of 3 or 5 for a discounted bundle rate.
What is the history of Taekwondo? +
Taekwondo is a martial art originating from the days of tribal communities on the Korean Peninsula. It was developed amongst the tribes as a means of preserving their own life and race as well as building both physical and mental strength.
What does Taekwondo mean? +
Literally translated Tae Kwon Do means ‘the way of the fist and foot.’ The most important part of the word is ‘Do’ as this translated means ‘the correct way.’ Learning to kick and punch are only physical attributes. By practicing Do and the principles of Taekwondo, students become overall martial artists both physically and mentally.
How is Taekwondo different to Karate and other martial arts? +
Like Karate practitioners, Taekwondo students perform a lot of upper body techniques like punching, blocking and striking. What distinguishes Taekwondo from other martial arts is its superior kicking techniques. In Taekwondo students can learn to perform multiple kicks while flying and jumping in the air.
What happens when you reach black belt? +
When you achieve your black belt you automatically become a 1st Dan. To qualify for second Dan you must train hard for a minimum of two years your instructor then decides if you are ready to apply for your 2nd Dan promotion. You may have to wait longer if you have missed training for any reason or if your instructor does not think you are ready.
For 3rd Dan you have to train for an additional 3 years after achieving your 2nd Dan, the same rules apply, an additional 4 years for 4th Dan, 5 years training for 5th Dan and so on.
What is a Taekwondo uniform called? +
A Taekwondo uniform is called a DOBOK. It should be white with as fewer logos on as possible. This symbolises purity of mind.
What are coloured belts and black belts called? +
Coloured belts are known as Kup grades while black belts are known as Dan Grades. There are nine steps to black belt so a white belt is classed as a 9th Kup. For every single belt they then achieve they progress up the ladder to 8th Kup, 7th Kup and so on until they come to their 1st Kup which is a red belt, black tag, the belt before black belt. When they finally achieve their black belt they automatically become a 1st Dan Black Belt and then progress up the Dans until they reach 9th Dan which is the highest you can go.
Who is your Master? +
Grand Master Ji Ho Choi
What is Tae Kwon Do (태 권 도)? +
aekwondo was developed during the 1940s and 1950s by various martial artists by incorporating elements of Japanese Karate and Chinese Martial Arts (“Kung Fu”) with indigenous Korean martial arts traditions such as Taekkyeon, Subak, and Gwonbeop. Compared to other martial art disciplines, taekwondo emphasizes more kicking techniques, athletic development skills, and inner harmony of mind and body which makes it an ideal martial art to improve balance, flexibility, strength, focus, goal setting and endurance. MEANING OF TAE KWON DO Tae (“태”) means “foot” Kwon (“권”) means “fist” Do (“도”) means “way of” (this word is phonetically spelled as “doe”) WHAT IS TAE KWON DO Taekwondo is a Korean unarmed martial art. It is not only kicking and punching, but also a way of thinking and living. The main goal of Taekwondo is to achieve total mind and body control through training.
What is Kukkiwon, WT and ITF? +
The oldest governing body for taekwondo is the Korea Taekwondo Association (KTA), formed in 1959 through a collaborative effort by representatives from the nine original kwans, or martial arts schools, in Korea. Kukkiwon (“국기원”), also known as the World Taekwondo Headquarters and home of the World Taekwondo Academy, is the official taekwondo governing organization established by the South Korean government. The World Taekwondo Federation (WTF) is the international federation governing the sport of taekwondo and is a member of the Association of Summer Olympic International Federations (ASOIF). The partnership of the Kukkiwon and World Taekwondo (WT) was founded in 1972 and 1973 respectively by the Korea Taekwondo Association, and resulted in taekwondo becoming a full medal sport at the 2000 Summer Olympics in Sydney. International Taekwon-Do Federation (ITF) founded in 1966 by a Korean General Choi Hong Hi in Seoul, South Korea. The ITF’s main functions include coordinating and approving tournaments and seminars, setting standards for teaching (patterns, sparring, destruction), collaborating with affiliated member organizations, and providing services members in regards to rank and certifications.
Martial Arts Dojang follows the official Kukkiwon and WT discipline.
Can you tell me more about WT? +
The World Taekwondo Federation (WTF) is the international federation governing the sport of taekwondo and is a member of the Association of Summer Olympic International Federations (ASOIF).
In turn, WTF national members belong to one of the 5 Continental Unions:
Pan American Taekwondo Union (PATU) African Taekwondo Union (AFTU) European Taekwondo Union (ETU) Asian Taekwondo Union (ATU) Oceania Taekwondo Union (OTU)
If you are transferring in from another Kukkiwon/WTF taekwondo school, the process is as simple as matching your gup (grade). If you are transferring in from any other schools (i.e. ITF, ATA, “Kwan”, etc.), we have a bit of work to do. But first, please know that we are firm believers in promoting taekwondo to everyone. That means we do not penalize a transfer student by forcing him or her to start all over as a white belt. Instead, we allow the transfer student to retain his/her current rank and belt, even if we do not use that particular colored belt. We will conduct an assessment test to establish his/her current taekwondo knowledge and set goals to obtain his or her next belt. However, any student desiring to obtain the coveted Kukkiwon Black Belt Certificate through JiHoChoi Taekwondo Institute must first learn and demonstrate the entire poomse (taegeuk # 1 through # 8).